Most of us go out of town or out of state once or more per year to visit family or for a much-needed vacation. Why not add a bit of philanthropic work to your trip! Being a Sock Sherpa is easy! Simply let us know where you will be traveling to, and the approximate date, and we will work with you to coordinate taking new socks for you to deliver to shelters or other groups in that area that you are visiting!
This past year one Sock Sherpa drove socks across 5 states in the southern U.S. and delivered them to various organizations on their way to visit family, while another used his vacation time and visited 4 states on his road trip to enjoy the scenery, and took socks to several shelters in those areas!

Sock It To Em Campaign has help our Volunteer group reach thousands of men women and children to get desperately lifesaving socks into our Community. We made 200 bags for homeless Veterans. We’ve made hundreds of Blessing Bags for our homeless community in Southern Colorado and shared their bounty to the local homeless shelter and Mental Health organizations.
Volunteer 10/10/2022